Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


I found this sock when I was doing laundry yesterday. It's one of Lincoln's ratty ones. Every sock in our house is ratty. We all have holes in nearly every pair--mine, Steve's and all the kids. I just refuse to buy ANY MORE SOCKS until next fall. Well, this particular sock has three holes in it, but yesterday I realized that...

...someone had SEWN the holes shut.

With a sewing machine.

I don't own a sewing machine. And I can't for the life of me think who could have done this. Not any of my friends. Certainly not Lincoln's school teacher. I asked Lincoln and all he said was, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know," over and over again until I could finally see that he really did NOT know.

Who, who, who...??? But now I am mortally embarrassed. Someone...someone...saw my poor child's sock and thought "This child's mother is neglecting him," and then felt as though he/she must anonymously fix it for me!

Here's a another picture. If you enlarge it, I think you should be able to see the stitching that could only have been done by a machine.

And if you--the sock-mending culprit--are reading this, fess up!


HG said...

Greg has darned many a sock, but I am not certain how Lincoln's sock, Greg, and a sewing machine could have ever gotten in the same room. Maybe you sleep sew.

AOlson said...

Are you sure it's Licoln's sock? Maybe it's a look alike.

Thanksgiving 2007 I accused my mother-in-law of stealing Lars's socks. It was a look alike and very uncomfortable situation. She gave up the sock, but what if they were her socks?

Heidi said...

That's crazy! I'm glad we're not the only ones wearing socks with holes. I try to remember to make sure everybody has hole-less socks when we are going to somebody's house where we have to take off our shoes but Charles usually ends up embarrassing me with socks with holes.

Heidi said...

It definitely wasn't me -- I am of the "throw it away and buy new ones" philosophy.

Chelsea said...

Nope not mine. Sorry. That was really nice of the person to do so.

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

All of our floors are tile or concrete and I've made my boys start to wear slipper around all the time because I think we've spent about $50 in socks in the last few months. I for sure don't sew up holes in socks, but I probably should--it would cost less.

literaqueen said...

My mom has insisted for years that I ought to know how to darn socks, but I don't-- and there's no way I would get out the sewing machine to fix a hole, because that would make the sock feel funny on my feet. So nope, not me.

The Conductor said...

Not that I live close enough to have done that for you, but it was NOT ME! I don't even do that sort of thing for my own kids. Yeah, probably a look-alike sock. Just believe that and you will sleep better.