Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Email I received from Lincoln's piano teacher today:

"As you probably know I had promised Lincoln a prize if he figured something out this week (which he did). He confided in me during the middle of the lesson that he thought the prize would be a Nintendo Wii...hopefully the stickers weren't too much of a let down."

No, they weren't. We can't get enough of Star Wars around here...


The Spradlin Family said...

That's hillarious!! Wii...stickers...same thing, right? Were they at least Wii Stickers?

Fletch said...

No, they were Star Wars stickers and if you knew Lincoln you would know that he gets so excited about anything Star Wars that he lost all Wii expectations and was content.

HG said...

High expectations. I like it.

Unknown said...

It truly proves that kids are just oblivious to money, and that's refreshing.

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

That piano teacher is a total cheap-scate. I recognize the t-shirt. Awesome!

literaqueen said...

Stickers didn't work for me; I sight-read my way through lessons anyhow.

Justin said...

The piano teacher confesses to being a cheapskate ... but is open to higher priced incentives in a return for a significant increase in the monthly fee =)