Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Please don't buy these homes!!!

On Sunday Steve and I went on a house-hunting drive. Just for fun. I mean, he still has a year left of his residency, so we can't actually put in an offer on our dream home for another year at least. Maybe two or three, depending on how long it takes us to sell our current (podunk) home and save for a decent down payment. So this drive was all in good fun...nothing serious.

Bad idea!!! We found our dream home...for sale...IN OUR PRICE RANGE (future price range, that is)...fitting every single criterion for both Steve and me. For some reason, we are both devastated. There is no way it will stay on the market for two more years. (I mean, technically, I guess it could. But that would be mean of us to hope for such a thing.) Here it is, all cute and red brick and five bedrooms and three acres in a good neighborhood zoned for the perfect schools...etc, etc, etc.

It even has a firepit (one of Steve's requirements). I tried to get inside pics, but they just had a slideshow set to music.

Then the next day, Steve found this house listed. THIS HOUSE! This house has been one of my "Iowa City" dream homes for a long time. Trust me, the pictures are not as quaint as the actuality. In real life it is a lovely blue-gray and the door is red. Also, these pictures were taken in the winter. In the summer, the house is surrounded by rolling green hills that go on forever. Set on a 6 acre lot, it also has five bedrooms, a finished walk-out basement, a huge screened-in porch, and--big perk--it is down the street from friends of ours (luckily they don't blog).

We are sooooo sad! Boohoo!


HG said...

Can I be your butler?

HG said...

I'll be the maid!

Steve and Angie said...

So I take it your still interested in Iowa?! That house is gorgeous! It looks like it is a lot more $ then the ones we are currently looking at!!! SURE IS BEAUTIFUL THOUGH!!! Thanks for checking our blog. I was wondering though, was it you or Steve who commented on our blog last? :)

Fletch said...

Didn't I tell you, Angie, that we decided to stay? These homes are actually the same price as just your run-of-the-mill home in Iowa City, but they are bigger and nicer because they are about five minutes out of town. We were SHOCKED when we saw the prices! But seriously, the way the economy is going, who knows if we'll even be able to get out of the house we are in!

Fletch said...

Didn't I tell you, Angie, that we decided to stay? These homes are actually the same price as just your run-of-the-mill home in Iowa City, but they are bigger and nicer because they are about five minutes out of town. We were SHOCKED when we saw the prices! But seriously, the way the economy is going, who knows if we'll even be able to get out of the house we are in!

literaqueen said...

I did a serious double-take when I saw the interior pictures of the second house. I thought it was the Purdys' Iowa City house-- but no, the current owners left the heat off last winter while they were out of town, causing pipes to burst and the house to flood. I don't think that house is pretty inside anymore.

When it's time to move, your just-right house will be ready for you.

Unknown said...

Sad, I want someone nice to buy me a house. I'll never afford one on this sad salary!

they are beautiful!