Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Making the case for buying a sewing machine.

All I've been able to think about in the last week is buying one of these:

Someone showed me a rag quilt a couple of weeks ago and I thought to myself, "I could do that! I could DO that!" And ever since I have thought of nothing but buying a sewing machine.

(A rag quilt)

I've spent hours researching until I have singled out the very machine I want, the one that is meant for me alone.

Here's the question I'm posing: Should I buy one?

Your first question will probably be: Can you afford it? (Sigh.) Not really. I mean, not if we want to eat fruits and vegetables this month.

But can I afford not to buy one?

Here's my exaggerated line of reasoning:

1. In this uncertain economy, shouldn't a person have some skills? You know, skills. Like the ability to garden, budget, fix things, and...sew?

2. Won't this sewing machine practically pay for itself in the next year as I am able to (for example) adjust the hemline on my daughter's dresses, thus extending their wear for another year?

3. Wouldn't the lovely Christmas rag quilts I'd make for my extended family be both useful and frugal?

4. Wouldn't it be nice for me to have one talent? I've sort of been the Talentless Woman for much, much too long. I'm ready to end that run now.

5. Isn't it my responsibility as a mother to teach these sorts of skills to my daughters? And wouldn't this sewing machine provide hours of memories and bonding moments between Laura and myself as we sew (aka...figure out how to sew) together?


In this uncertain economy, should I save my money and wait until we can afford to both eat well AND buy a SM?

Help please?


Chelsea said...

My mom made Michael the best rag quilt ever. It is sooo worth the investment in the machine for just one quilt. And if you own it you can make a whole bunch of them. You can spread them all around the house and say "wow, that was a great investment"! I will bring ours on Sunday for you to see. There is a great quilting store in North Liberty you should know about if you don't already. I will fill you in later. Have a great day and have fun getting your machine:)

Heidi said...

Just buy one. =) Then we can share our cheapest meal recipes for the next few months.

Julianne said...

I personally like reason #4, I have that same dilemna and often wonder what I can do to overcome my talentless state.
If you decide to get one, which one will it be and please share your products (I'd love a rag quilt, I'm having another boy this summer - perfect occasion)!

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

I love rag quilts--I helped my boys make one for Garrett for Christmas, so it really is easy. I think you should get a sewing machine, but as far as being talentless you are far from it. I'm still dying to read anything you write- wink!wink! and who taught my boys to play the piano and has read more than I can shake a stick at and makes scrumptious chocolates (You'll have to take my word for it since you haven't eaten them!), knows how to do geneology--I'm clueless--, taught me how to blog, etc. etc. should I continue or have I embarrassed you enough? Love ya, Heather

Unknown said...

I have thought of buying one. I think they are very good investment and handy and help you be creative and original.

I spent the evening with Holly last night. She rarely gets on the computer, but I had her get on and read several of your blog entries. We laughed and laughed at how funny you are!

HG said...

Hey! I commented before and it is not here!

Emily Norby said...

Hold it. You forgot #6: A sewing machine will allow you to stitch closed the holes in your kids' socks, thus eliminating the need for someone else to sneak by and do it for you.

(And no, it wasn't me.)

(By the way, did you ever solve that mystery?)

Fletch said...

Good point, Emily. The money we'll save in socks alone is surely worth it.

And we've sort of solved the mystery. Hayley's husband darns socks with a sewing machine and pink thread (always pink, he says, don't know why) just like Lincoln's sock, so it must have been him. But they didn't bring their sewing machine with them when they stayed with us last summer, so we still can't figure out how it happened. It had to have been Greg, though, right?

HG said...

Reason #7 - It won't cost you a penny because your mother will advance you as many Christmases or birthdays you need to get it. She bought our sewing machine Christmas present for us in February.

Fletch said...

Uh, hello Hayley? Remember the ipod? I've already exhausted that particular source. Besides, I'm a grown-up. I can buy my own sewing machine. I think.

literaqueen said...

I say if you want the sewing machine badly enough, get it. Don't count on lovely mother-daughter bonding moments, though. My mom and I just fought when I sewed-- or rather, I rolled my eyes because Mom really can't sew but thought she needed to help me out here and there.

But wait-- if you get a sewing machine and start making quilts, that might be a signal to Heavenly Father that you're ready to be Enrichment leader. Hmm, maybe hold off on that sewing machine.