Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

One of those posts Steve would rather I not post...

When I picked Laura up from school today, she was red-faced and sad about something. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I don't want to tell you." So, I started thinking something really bad must have happened. "Just tell me," I said. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. Please???"

After begging for about five minutes, she finally confessed that the really "terrible" thing that happened at school was that she had broken the "Word of Wisdom". (I think everyone who reads this knows what that is, and if you don't just leave a comment saying so and I'll explain.)

After much coercion, she finally told me that one of her classmates had brought a birthday treat for the entire class, and after eating it Laura learned that she had eaten "coffee cake".

Laura was very offended when I burst out laughing. I had to explain to her that coffee cake doesn't actually contain any coffee. She's such a good kid...trying to set a good example for her coffee-flavored-dessert-loving mom.

Man, I could really go for a tiramisu right now:


Emily Norby said...

Way to snare your readers with an intriguing title.

And I'm continually impressed with this dragon-loving, coffee-cake-fearing daughter of yours. I would do well to be just a little more like her!

Steve and Angie said...

Hey Jen, the coffee cake looks good and I do remember your love for coffee ice cream, glad to see your daughter is more obedient!:)
Hey, I obviously do not blog much, my dial up takes like 30 minutes to download a picture. Steve is going to start doing it at school. ANYHOW, I did put my email address on my site. I would call you, but I don't remember your phone number either!oops!

literaqueen said...

Way to be a compassionate mom and ruin a Gospel teaching moment, Jenn. So now how are you going to explain your love of coffee-flavored desserts to Laura?

The Conductor said...

This post is cracking me up. Thanks for the chuckle!

Carmell said...

I can totally relate to Laura. A similar thing happened to me in elementary school! I was so relieved when my mom explained that it was called coffee cake because some people eat it with coffee, not because there is coffee in it!!

Julianne said...

I was relieved to learn about coffee cake too, because I love it! (I really don't like anythink coffee flavored - I can tell by the way it smells.)