Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's Lincoln's turn to be...

Lincoln was chosen as February "Trrfcc" Student of the Month, so this morning we all headed off to the big school assembly.

Luckily we were able to catch Laura's name getting called out at the very start. (During the assembly, they randomly draw names previously submitted by their teachers for "trrfc" acts during the month, and those children get to come up and sit next to the special guest.) Here she is sitting next to some guy who now plays for the Denver Broncos who grew up in Iowa. Too bad she has no clue who the "Denver Broncos" are. However, this satiated Laura's award-hoarding appetite so that she would be less jealous when Lincoln was recognized.

A few minutes into the assembly, Noelle started having a difficult time.
Here's Isaac trying to hush her:

I had to take her out because she started wailing. We decided to have a little tour of the school before Lincoln was given his award. Here she is looking at the bird cage by the front office:

We found this hanging in the hallway:
("If I ran the school" By Lincoln Fletcher)

Here's Noelle sitting at Lincoln's desk. (This picture is for Lincoln. He'll get a kick out of it.)

But soon we needed to go back to the gym. Noelle freaked out as we neared it, so this nice lady TOOK Noelle from my arms and CARTED her away from me! I just stood there. Someone had just taken my baby and I didn't know how to respond!
A half minute later she returned with a bunch of treats in her hand for Noelle.
So with our sugary snacks, we got through the rest of the assembly just fine after that.

Here's Lincoln just after they called his name--a total surprise to him:

Here he is just after receiving the coveted dog tags:

Noelle congratulating him:


Julianne said...

I love that last photo - how sweet!

HG said...

Good Job Lincoln!!!!!! And way to smile Laura!

literaqueen said...

So cute! I'm glad the good samaritan lady wasn't also a child napper-- just a candy pusher.

Unknown said...

I was wondering who that random guy Laura was sitting by. It seemed like a slightly disturbing image until you clarified.