Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What the hecky-becky?

It's been a teensy while since I blogged, so I decided to browse my computer for pictures. For some unknown reason, this was among them:

It was probably put there by the same person who taught my kids to do this:

Changing the topic...

A shout out to Mr. President and his show of bipartisonship. (Is that a word?) I really enjoyed watching the news this morning.


The Spradlin Family said...

Star Wars, huh? What about Star Trek? I know, I know...not the same thing.

And to answer your question from my post, YES you can copy and paste the tag. I know it's a lot of questions, but it really doesn't take very long.

Notice how no one I've tagged has done it. I have an idea. You could be the first. Seriously, I think it would be fun to read about you.

I remember us being great friends in high school. Where were you??? :)

Unknown said...

Star Wars Rocks.

Obama Rocks.

You Rock.

But i think Noelle, as usual, takes the cake!!

Carwin Candids said...

Good man! Star wars is awesome! Happy late Birthday Jenn! Sounds like a fun day. And to go down to the slave labor posts...ah that is sa-weet! I am getting closer everyday to better slave labor, ha!

You are so cute and skinny in all those pictures! Do you straighten your hair often? Anyway you look great!

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

I recognize those Star WArs fans as those Fletchers we know and love. May the Force be with you!

literaqueen said...

The other night I was at a friend's house for dinner and the kids were playing with some kind of light sabres connected with the Wii. My first thought: I know some Fletcher kids who would love to have those . . . and I have a grad. student who wants to dress up as Princess Leia when she gets married. So, your family aren't the only Star Wars fans around.