Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The View Out My Window (Part 2)

Literally, this used to be:When Steve and I lived in Las Vegas seven years ago, this lake was just across the street.

(We lived in an apartment complex named "La Tierra", affectionately nick-named "The Dirt" by its tenants...the same apartment complex that Dana Plato (?)--child star of the show "Different Strokes"--resided when she famously robbed a store and was arrested.)

I used to take Laura and Lincoln for walks along this lake everyday. Everyday it looked just like this. Blue skies. Sparkling blue water. Warm. Sometimes too warm.

Why am I blogging about this? Because the gray, drizzly skies of Iowa are getting me down today, and I am REALLY missing the constant sunshine that Las Vegas offers year-round.


Since I have recently committed myself to live permanently in Iowa, perhaps for the rest of my life, I must remind myself of the many charming things that Iowa has to offer, namely, the good schools, the great neighbors, and the equally striking views such as this:
(Just not in February.)


The Spradlin Family said...

I would much rather look out my window and see the second picture! That is beautiful.

So, Iowa forever? With views like that one, I guess it's ok ;)

Unknown said...

pretty. reminds me of my get a ways to the Catskill mountains. I LOVE those old bridges.

My view is drab too, but my mind is alive!!!


Garrett and Heather Wood said...

Germany is not a pretty sight in February either. I'm sick to death of winter. When will we get to wear flip-flops and short sleeved Ts again?

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

P.S. I love the new pix of your kids--very professional looking!

literaqueen said...

Is it my imagination, or is that barn in the second picture leaning a bit?

Carmell said...

I wish the part of vegas I live in looked a little more like that!