Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Monday, August 4, 2008


See this little guy? I HATE this little guy! And I hate all of his little buddies! They are my new-found enemies and I must destroy them!!!
OK, so I know it sounds like I have lost it, and maybe I have. But for all of you out there who have not yet heard the news...the Fletcher family has LICE!

Is that not sufficient reason for me to lose my mind? (If you have answered a resounding "NO!", or even a timid, doubting "no...i don't think so...", then you are free to exit this blog immediately. If, however, you feel compassion and have thought, "I most certainly would not be holding up as well as Jenn under the circumstances, with four kids and three house guests," then feel free to read on.)

Okay, I could go on and on and on about the ridiculously exhausting cleaning and purging routine that has been thrust upon us this week, but I will only say this...

I have indeed lost it. My husband has said on more than one occasion, "I don't think you need to spray that again. Don't you think that's a bit overkill?"

My response? Yes! It is a bit overkill! And I mean to overkill and overkill again and again until I rid this household of those nasty little critters! Overkill is my only sanity! It is my only weapon! And I don't even think my pacifist, spider-saving brother-in-law who lives in the basement would begrudge me my murderous revenge.

(PS...I wanted to take pictures, documenting our pain--it looks like we are moving, what with our rooms bare with nothing in them but lone, stripped mattresses, and the kids have all had their hair shorn, well, not the girls, they've just had their hair cut short--but I can't find the camera. It's probably bagged with the rest of our belongings, where it will remain for the next two weeks. I really have lost it, haven't I?)


HG said...

Well, being one who experienced it with you, I think you have every reason to have lost it! The people in the basement have lost it as well. Probably more than you, seeing that they have mental problems to begin with. Kill those stinkin' buggers! Let them die a painful death! Bwaaahhh!

LCFrohm said...

I would have lost it LONG before you.
I'm all for murdering those little suckers!
Hopefully I will never have to endure a lice infestation.
My thoughts and prayers and chocolate chip cookies are with you at this time.

LCFrohm said...
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Heidi said...

Well, if it makes you feel any better we seemed to have escaped the lice. So sorry you and EVERYONE in your house has to endure this instead of enjoying what's left of summer. =(

The Spradlin Family said...

Jenn, I am so sorry. My brother and I had lice when we were little, and I was traumatized because all my bedding, stuffed animals, coats, etc, were thrown away. I was only in 1st grade, but I knew then that my mom might loose it. I can't imagine what you are dealing with. Yuck! On that note, how is everything else? ;)

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

I'm going to be so sad to see Laura with short hair. Please tell me it grows quickly. I guess she has a few years to grow it out before she and Jacob get hitched.

Fletch said...

Fortunately, Heidi (and everyone else) none of the adults have lice. Luckily we all escaped. Just the kids, and not even Lincoln. Otherwise we are doing fine...renting a lot of movies. My house has never been so clean. :)

Heidi said...

I'm so sorry! That's my worst nightmare. I'm sure we'll have it someday with all the girls and hair we have around here.

Texas MacLeans said...

How good you are to blog even amongst all the yucky lice that surrounds you. I dont want to even imagine what that is like with 4 kids. We have been spared so far, and hopefully you have not jinxed me!! Here in Texas we just have to deal wuth fire ants, scorpions, snkaes, brown reclouse spiders...why do I live here again? It seemed like in Vegas, the only bugs were the crickets chirping to stay alive before they died of heat stroke!

Fletch said...

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right, Stacey?

Adam said...

Jenn - I am so sorry about the lice. If I would have known it would have gone this far I never would have planted one on poor Lincoln's head in primary that fay - just a bad practical joke gone awry...

Unknown said...

is it over yet?

literaqueen said...

Lice are evil! But you have a great family story for reunions down the road . . .