Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Mystery That is Isaac

Aw...doesn't he look sweet?
Don't be fooled. I finally found my camera after almost an entire month of searching, and guess where I found it? Inside of THIS clock:

I should have thought of it, what with all the action figures that he has hidden inside it in the past. (All of you with young boys are nodding in understanding right now).

Something else that is a little odd about this boy: his prayers. Whenever he prays, each and every lengthy sentence is composed of random religious words all tossed together enigmatically. Some of our favorite sentences of his:

"Please bless the religious impossibilities to have the spirit of truth."

And, most recently:

"Please bless the waste of God's cup that it will find the gospel prophets."

It is very difficult not to laugh when Isaac prays.

Also, another odd thing:

Everytime this kid steps outside into the summer heat, within two minutes flat his hair is drenched in sweat. Gross! (But funny.)


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!!

"The Waste of God's Cup?"

What in the world are you teaching this kid? I can't decide if he is a religious leader in the making or a stand up comic, or a poet...wow, the POSSIBILITIES that are Isaac.

This, again, makes me want a little boy. Which is probably good because today I feel like just giving up the dream of wife and motherhood and just being a really good aunt. sigh.

Sugar Jones said...

Well, Isaac does mean laughter, right?

My little Banana Girl wants to either marry her friend Isaac or name her first born son Isaac because of the name's meaning. aaawww...

My Monkey Boy makes up some pretty funny prayers... nothing like yours, though. He'll just ramble on and on when trying to say "Thank you for all the things you provided." Imagine how many different ways a four year old without the ability to roll Rs can say that...

HG said...

Man I miss that kid...not your lice infected house...but you guys and the kids.

literaqueen said...

The picture of sweat-drenched Isaac looks a lot like Lincoln. Are you cloning your children?

I think I'd make sure to always be kneeling by the sofa so I could bury my face and muffle potential laughter while Isaac is praying.

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

I sure miss that Isaac kid--his prayers sound like some talks I've listened to--and I got about as much out of them!