Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ode to Summer!

Fare thee well, harsh winter and turbulent spring! Good riddance snowfall and ice storms and floods! We snub you and your destructive powers now as we run freely through the grass.

Bring on the sun...

...and, with it, the sunburns...

...and the late sunsets, which confuse my children into thinking that bedtime must be later than I say it is...

...Bring it all on! I can do anything now that the summer has arrived!


Unknown said...

So adorable! I am almost thinking I want a few of those, and I have not thought that way in a LONG time. Ah, children...of course, had you posted them screaming and crying and boogers and talking back and being ungrateful, well, then I could go away from this blog all smug and stuff.

But you didn't! Curses!!! You have roped me in with your cute children and now my clock just said "Tick Tock!"

Darn you Jenn Fletcher!

karen said...

Hi Jenn! Karen Tobler here--I stumbled upon your blog via Lindsay Frohm's--I was thinking about you guys in Iowa during this record breaking snow, tornado, ice storm, blizzard, flooding year of 2008. Guess we dodged that bullet, huh? We loved Iowa and miss it terribly, truth be told.
Hope you're doing well...can't believe how big your "newborn" Noelle is!

literaqueen said...

Ouch! I winced when I saw Lincoln's sunburn. I really need to get my own blog going instead of just lurking on yours . . .