Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lincoln in the Outfield

Here are some pictures of Lincoln at his baseball game. Watching him made me oddly reminiscent of 2nd grade PE when I began day-dreaming while I, too, was playing in the outfield. The next thing I knew, I followed everyone back to the line-up to bat, but when I looked around, I realized that the people around me were not on my team. I had spaced it for so long while in the outfield, that my team had returned to bat and then returned back to the outfield before I had even noticed.

Lincoln (dum de dum...) looking every where but at the game in session.

Finally his coach came over to stand next to him. "Lincoln," he said, in a very kind and patient voice. "Let's focus on the game here. You have a very important job to do for us." That seemed to help for about a minute or two.

Luckily for him, he's not a bad hitter.

As an added bonus, we overheard Isaac telling this little girl (to whom he was pitching a ball), "You're not very good--not as good as my brother Lincoln."


literaqueen said...

Lincoln's getting tall! His hair looks like it's getting a little darker, too.

Are you able to venture around Coralville yet without a boat?

Gustav said...

I grew up in Wisconsin ("the Dairy State") and enjoy your blog. That cow is so cool.

I live in Australia now but your blog reminds me of home. So thank you. And thanks for visiting my blog Nine Worlds.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! I love Linc and his a.d.d form of playing ball. One fell swoop of the ball to that helmet will remedy it...not that I wish that upon him, I really don't.

Fun times! Glad to see you aren't so flooded anymore.

Fletch said...

D'Arce, I guarentee ya he's already been hit in the head, and it didn't have the least little effect. Makes for a good story when he gets older, though.

Unknown said...

Well, he is related to his Uncle Don...ok, that was a joke, I just remember Don's goofy smile. How are Don and Colby by the way, and their twins? I'd love an update!!