Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Monday, June 9, 2008

If you are looking at this plane right now, it means that I have not died...

...but that the plane landed safely instead.

I really thought that I would die. I took this picture right before I boarded and the only thing I could think of was "deathtrap".

I do this every time I get on a plane. I pray repeatedly as we take off, white-knuckled, that my life will have been acceptable before my maker, and when I am not praying I quote to myself over and over again a statistic I think I once heard on Oprah: You are six times more likely to die while walking along the sidewalk for no apparent reason, than on an airplane.

This is a picture I took (with trembling hands) to distract myself. (I didn't have any kids to do it. I was flying solo this time.) I don't know what river this is below, but for all you geography buffs out there who would like to give it a whirl, it was about an hour out of Cedar Rapids, IA enroute to Las Vegas.

Oh. And I was flying to Vegas to see my brother Jordan get married. Super, SUPER happy and fun day. But he was really getting married in California in the LDS Redlands temple. So the next morning we all woke up to drive 3 hours together while my sister belted out all the songs from the soundtrack Wicked, much to my brother's annoyance--which was probably her intention.

Ahhh, family.

Here is a picture of the world's largest thermometer, for those of you who have never seen it before.

Me, my brother Ryan, my kooky sister Hayley and her husband right after the wedding.

The lovely view at Redlands from the temple grounds. (At the same time in Iowa, there were severe thunderstorms--glad I wasn't there.)

And the beautiful new couple--Jordan and Karinne.


HG said...

I resent the fact that you say I am "kooky". Charming, yes. Witty, definitely. Beautiful, absolutely. But not "kooky".

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe Jordan is married! That's awesome, they look beautiful! My poor parents, five kids and only one of us is taking that leap...but she has five kids now, so they are set on the grandbabies!

I didn't know you feared flying so much. I do it almost once a month, so I don't think twice about it anymore. I mean, i have flown to Mongolia on an expired aircraft that was falling apart...that's serious death trap material.

However, last year, on my monthly trip to NYC, our plane got caught in a storm, plummeted several thousand feet, people started crying and screaming, the flight attendants started emergency procedures and I really did think I was going to die. Luckily, I felt good with God,so I just kind of sat there, really calm, I surprised myself by how calm I was. I'm not much of a screamer though.....when I lived, I was grateful!

Man, have you flown back yet? Shoot, I should not be telling you this stuff!

Flying is the safest form of transportation!

Fletch said...

Yeah, um, thanks a lot, D'Arcy. I feel MUCH better now about the credit we have with Northwest Airlines which we are supposed to use sometime this year! Now I am seriously considering just eating the $1000!

PS...What different lives we lead...(Sigh)...with all your world traveling adventures. My greatest adventure this year was taking all four of my kids grocery shopping at the same time!

Oh...and Hayley...I won't take back "kooky", but I will admit that you are charming, witty and beautiful, too.

literaqueen said...

I'm so glad you didn't crash, Jenn. And thanks for inviting me to your blog! I only set up boring blogs for classes I'm teaching so they can have discussion groups. One of these days I need to do a fun one.

HWHL said...

Hi guys.... saw you on D'Arcy's blog, and thought I'd come check out your blog. LOVE the cow, by the way.... he's looking at me like "Shouldn't you be WORKING, young lady??" :-)

Maybe I'll call him the Cow Of My Conscience and come visit him when I need a nudge to get busy!

Anyway, great blog and GORGEOUS children! :-)