Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Adventures of Middle Man

Here is a picture of Isaac's hand. Note the infection of the middle finger.

Today we decided to take Isaac to see the doctor, as the infection was getting worse. On the way, he showed it to everyone we met (the people in the elevator, the receptionist, the people in the waiting room) by holding up his hand with all fingers down but the one in the middle. They all gaped at this, shocked that a four-year-old would flip them off. I had to quickly jump in and say, "Oh, he has an infection in that finger. That's why he is seeing the doctor." Then they would all smile and say, "Oh, of course."

Here are pictures of all the places Isaac and his finger visited today at the hospital:


Unknown said...

I can just picture Isaac's smiling face and flipping people off. Heaven knows I have had days where I have wanted to go around doing that, especially as a teacher to disgruntled teenagers and all their angst. However, I don't have the excuse of being 4 and of having an infection. Darn...I'll have to keep doing it in my head still.

Emily Norby said...

I wish I would have run in to you. I'm always a fan of getting off.

Emily Norby said...

so i meant 'flipped off'...typing one handed is full of cons.

Carmell said...

Hey Jen - we just came accross your blog the other day and were so excited to see what you guys have been up to lately! We miss our Iowa friends and neighbors! If you'd like to visit our blog let me know (casher7754@yahoo.com).

literaqueen said...

Oh, the innocence of four-year-olds . . . you've got blackmail for his wedding.

Heidi said...

Totally laughed out loud reading this one, Jenn. And I had to hold back tonight when Isaac showed me how much his finger is improving.