Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I am the Walrus...

This is a picture of Steve's beloved Walrus. Beloved because he got it at Sea World when he was, like, twelve or something. I took a picture of it because I don't think he has actually seen it since we've been married--though he loves it so--because what sort of grown man has time to locate paraphernalia from his youth and stare at it whenever the urge arises?

And the only reason I know it is so beloved is because I tried to throw it out this week. I tried fruitlessly--as I do every year--to throw it out with all the other broken or unwanted toys that must go (we need a space to walk at some point). And every year, when he glimpses the multiple garbage bags destined for the Salvation Army he say, "You didn't throw away my walrus, did you? I can't believe you would throw it away! You know how much it means to me!" And every year I growl and scowl, and go fetch it out of one of those doomed bags, placing it in my pile of "keepers", wondering when I will ever get up the courage to just lie to his face and say, "No, honey. I didn't throw it out. It is with all the other toys someplace," knowing FULL WELL that he will never, EVER have an opportunity to go in search of the walrus to verify whether or not I have in fact told the truth.

I do not understand this need he has to hang on to the walrus. I mean, it is not as if he can take it with him when he dies. I mean, it is not as if he ever thinks about it, except for once a year when he must, must, MUST be sure I have not thrown it out. I am completely the opposite. I would throw EVERYTHING out if it did not fall into one of the following three categories:

1. The Essentials. Without these items, we will die. (i.e. water, food, socks in the winter, etc.)
2. The Keepers of My Sanity. Meaning, these objects will keep the kids quiet for a good hour. (i.e. Legos--though they have hung on by just a MARGIN, what with all the times I have stepped on one of those infernal blocks in the middle of the night!)
3. The Time Savers. They make my job easier. (i.e. my hand blender, my flat iron, my microwave, my dish washer, my i-pod...you get the idea)

All else must go, in my opinion! Not Steve's, though, and so I have learned to compromise. A good thing. If only compromise didn't create so much clutter. Maybe someday I will find some use for the walrus and be glad I hung on to it, after all these years. Maybe it will have to make an appearance at our 50th wedding anniversary, in a slide show, perhaps, that will make everyone laugh.

If then, I guess it would be worth it. Maybe I should create a fourth category of things I am willing to keep: "Stuff that will someday make you laugh".

(PS...for all of those not in Iowa, this trivial post was written while our city is pretty much under siege by water. We are all camped out in our homes--at least those of us who have not been evacuated--while floods surge around us. We are all hoping and praying that the power will hold and that our food and water supply will be sufficient to weather the storm. I was going to blog about this, but could not get close enough to take pictures that would rival anything that could already be seen on the news...so pray for all of those whose homes have already been destroyed. As for us, do not worry. We live on a hill. The water will not touch us. We have a decent water and food storage that can at least get us through a week if our water is shut off, and the stores are closed.)

(PSS...I am the Walrus--for all of you twenty-somethings who have never really heard of the Beatles--is a song title. I never really liked the song much. Don't have any idea what it means...though there used to be much speculation. But I thought it was a fitting reference to go with the picture. Have a good day, and don't forget all of us in Iowa when you pray!)


Unknown said...

Oh Steve! It's a little adorable that a grown man can still carry around such an attachment. I think it's the fact that it is hidden, and he only thinks about it once a year. i bet if you kept putting the walrus everywhere (like we did those pictures of Richard when we lived together...do you remember that, under pillows, in the fridge, on the mirror). If Steve had to keep picking the Walrus up, pull it out of his shoes, take it out of his backpack, find it in his lunch sack, he might sing a different tune.

Sorry about all the water waves. I hope you guys are ok. Sometimes it is nice to have an excuse to take a break from everything outside....but not when it is reeking havoc on your Iowa utopia!

literaqueen said...

Speaking as a person who lovingly saved all her stuffed animals for her future children, only to have them all LOST in a parental move in 1998, I say keep the walrus if it's the only stuffed animal Steve still owns. I have one lone stuffed animal from my childhood: Teega the Tiger. My cats occasionally think they should chew on her-- I stop them. Don't mess with Teega!

I'm so, so sad seeing all the flood pictures! I'm glad you guys are okay, and I'm praying lots for Iowa City. I wish I could help sandbag or something. We're having an Enrichment meeting about food preparedness, and today when I announced it I said something about, you know, the availability of corn-based items becoming much smaller. That got people's attention. And then I thought of your corn allergy and thought, "Hmm. At least Jen isn't sacrificing anything if corn-based products get too expensive."

Hang in there! You're in my prayers!

HG said...

Long live the walrus!