Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Green Thumb Morning

I've known it was coming for weeks...the time when I would have to get out there and try to salvage my pathetic yard so that the neighbors would not talk about us behind our backs. Last year, after having delusions of grandeur, we attempted to plant a glorious perennial garden in our front yard. And why shouldn't we? All of our neighbors have flawless perennial gardens. We even called my brother--the landscape architect--for advice. We purchased 150 plants (from a catalogue--all half off) and spent many, many back-breaking days hauling out the hideous rocks and planting in their stead our precious tiny green things.

What we didn't count on: Rabbits! To sum up, only nine of the 150 plants ever grew to fruition, no matter how much we sprayed, sprinkled or sent Steve out screaming with his hoe (eerily resembling Mr. Mac Gregor). We were devastated.

I learned something valuable last summer. My next house will have NO flower beds. Just lovely, neat grass and shrubs. And the easiest way to add cheer and color is in the form of (drum roll, please)...hanging baskets and pots! Those are the two solutions to my gardening woes. So this morning I decided to document my pursuit of gardening-made-easy. Here's how it went:

First I dropped Laura and Lincoln off at school. I told them I wanted to take a picture of them in front of the school.

"No way," said Laura.

"Yes. Get out there and stand over by that sign."

"Okay. But you have to stay in the car to take it."

"No way. So you'd better hurry if you don't want anyone to see."

Followed by a frenzy of "Hurry, Lincoln! Hurry! Hurry!"

Then Noelle and I drove over to Lowe's. Here is Noelle in all her morning glory (or stupor) sitting in the cart.

The hanging baskets are the easiest! And Ha! I've foiled the rabbits!

This pot took all of ten minutes to get from "Blah" to "TaDa!"


Heidi said...

Seriously, even post-rabbit feasting, your yard has always looked more put together than ours! So despite the lack of intended results, all your work was not completely in vain. And I totally concur about our next yard being flower bed free. By the way, ask Laura about her new-found way to take on dandelions (not that your yard even has any).

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

It serves you right to have a sucky garden with the way you showed up everyone with you Christmas lights. Now you know how the rest of us feel. I think I'll buy LIncoln a rabbit for his birthday--ha, ha, ha(think super evil laugh)!

Unknown said...

jenn, your hair is SO straight! I thought that couldn't happen!

literaqueen said...

I just bought hanging baskets this afternoon. I thought I'd get my garden all ready to go this summer, but that involves um, sod removal and double um, terracing a steep hill. No rabbit issues here, though. Just ant hills (I almost sat on one while removing sod the other day).