Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It's Sunny in Iowa!

Now that we have survived the dreary record-breaking winter, we are ready to try all sorts of new endeavors...such as blogging. I admit, it's intimidating, but here goes:

A little summary: All six of us (Steve, Jenn, Laura, Lincoln, Isaac, and Noelle) live in Iowa where Steve is currently doing a residency at the University of Iowa Hospital. We have lived here for six years now and we LOVE it!

Here we are!

LAURA: Age 9. Loves dragons, books, nature, science and boys (just as friends, though).

LINCOLN: Age 7. Loves Lego, Lego Star Wars, and Star Wars. (He's also very nice.)

ISAAC: Age 4. Loves Lego, Lego Star Wars, and Star Wars. (And his baby sister.)

STEVE: Age 33. Loves Lego, Lego Star Wars, and Star Wars. (Do you notice a theme?)

NOELLE: Age 1. Loves hugs and kisses, music, and going "bye bye".

JENN: Age 31. Loves books, hugs and kisses, and Legos once they have been neatly put back into their containers.


Garrett and Heather Wood said...

I love your blogs I will read them every day. You are the sunshine in my life and I am so impressed with your computer literacy. XOXOXO--HEather