Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day of School OR the Equivalent of Disneyland for Parents

The kids, just before breakfast:

(Oh, how Lincoln hates when I bring out the camera!)

Walking to school:

Lincoln imparting some last words of wisdom to the kindergartener:

Ready to go. No problem. Get lost, Mom.


Julianne said...

AMEN! Mine is next Monday!

karen said...

I love that. Disneyland for parents. First I felt guilty for feeling so euphoric, then I felt guilty for feeling guilty, and so on. Now I'm just plain loving life. At least for the first three months until I realize I never see my kids. Is that wrong?

literaqueen said...

Look how grown-up Isaac is! So cute in his new school clothes and backpack! (Probably a new haircut, too, huh?) The shot of the kids walking to school made me want to make that walk myself. I felt like I could walk on down the street with them (or wave as I jogged by the school).

Hurray for the start of school!

The Conductor said...

Finally! Another parent confessing to my same back-to-school feelings! Thank you, Jenn -- Thank you.

Your pictures are awesome. As well as your captions, like always! And I love the new photo header (or is it old and I just haven't been here lately?).