Saturday, November 28, 2009
An angry Isaac left us this note this morning:
Posted by Fletch at 9:06 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Turkey Day
Posted by Fletch at 6:14 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 23, 2009
Nothing makes Laura's day like an award...
This morning around 7 AM she was saying something to the effect of "I'm having a miserable day already!!!" after Isaac hit her, or she hit him, or somebody hit somebody, I'm not sure of the specifics, but there were tears involved. She didn't think there was any way the day could be redeemed, but I knew better. Here she is sitting on the back row of the school gymnasium next to her best friend Faith (with the red hair) waiting for them to announce student of the month.
Getting called out of the audience:
Standing beside the other fifth-grader chosen from the other class:
Congrats, my sweetie! Hope this sets the tone for the rest of your least until after school when no doubt Isaac will get under your skin for some other reason.
Posted by Fletch at 12:48 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Morning in the Life of a Fletcher
I'm terrible at blogging lately. Our lives are boring, and the truth is, now that we've been blogging for over a year, I realized we've already blogged about everything we do. Everything. I guess every year we just repeat over again all the things we did the year before. Every Halloween we do the same things as the year before. Every Thanksgiving. Every Christmas. Every birthday. Every outing--to the park, or the lake, or the mall. So I feel like I'm repeating myself over and over again when I blog. However, the kids look different every year. And I hate to go a whole month without blogging much because then we can't look back later and remember what we did that month. So I had to find something I could blog about, even though nothing new has happened. At all. So I just pulled out my camera this morning and documented our morning. It doesn't get much more boring that that.
5:45--Steve and Jenn wake up and do their stuff. (I hadn't thought of the camera yet, so no pictures. Luckily for you. I am super scary-looking in the morning. And my breath is bad, too, but camera's don't pick that up anyway. Hmm, I wonder if they will in the future...)
6:20--Noelle comes downstairs. In a hysterical voice, "I'm hungry, Momma, hungry..."
6:30--Kids get up and do jobs (get dressed, make bed, read scriptures, practice piano).
If the kids finish their jobs before 7:30, then they can watch this show:
Posted by Fletch at 9:15 AM 5 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Making dinner from scratch: How to determine when the effort is not worth the savings.
To all you women out there who read this blog (all three of you, and I'm not sure any of you fall into this catagory) who enjoy cooking and have a high tolerance for working in a hot kitchen, chopping and stirring and kneading and rolling and scrubbing and whatever, I just wanted to say to you...
You have a gift.
And you should not take it for granted.
This stupid pot pie nearly did me in. Just one course. No sides. But it was made completely from scratch (which means that a can of Campbell's cream of chicken soup was not on the list of ingredients) and it was like seventy degrees outside (in November--unheard of) and that meant it was eighty-five degrees in my kitchen and my baby kept pooping in random locations in my house and my kids were all cranky, which all factor into my decision to never make this again!
Yeah, and the carrots didn't even cook all the way through. They were a little crunchy.
The surprise of the night: Noelle liked it. So did Laura (though she did not feel picture-ready).
So did Steve. Or so he said. Though he was the one who tipped me off on the carrots.
The boys wanted me to take their pictures, but they didn't deserve to have their pictures taken. They thought the pot pie was foul. Which begs the question: Is it worth it to make a meal--even if it is cheap, even if it is wholesome--when only half of the family will eat it? And another question: Why can't Steve just get on board with the whole "peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches for dinner every night" idea?
Posted by Fletch at 1:04 PM 5 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
It's really hot today, even though it's November.
I put my arms around my messy, sticky child to give her a hug this evening and her hair was damp. "Noelle, are you sweaty?"
"No. I'm a princess."
This week she has discovered the joys of dressing herself. We've been engaged in heavy-duty potty training (only one accident in the last three days!) and she's been much too comfortable running around in her princess underwear and taking it on and off and on and off, and with that comes the inevitable taking off of her other clothes and putting them back on in odd combinations.
Posted by Fletch at 8:35 PM 2 comments