Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where to hang out in Iowa City in January (besides the mall).

Here's what Noelle and I did in one hour at the hospital while waiting for Grandma to see her doctor.

Here we are checking Grandma in at the reception desk. (Warning, this post might be too boring for some of you, unless you really wanted to see a picture of Grandma Kim without her makeup. Alas, this was the best I could do.)

Noelle and her cheeser grin:

In the elevator. (Don't know why I took this picture.)

Noelle staring longingly out at the playground covered in snow:

The playground:

The coveted dollhouse on the second floor (elevator F, in case you were wondering):

A couple of rooms in the dollhouse upclose:

The man on the "choo choo" as Noelle called it:

Noelle in front of the Labor and Delivery wing where she was born:

Two pictures of the original wing of the hospital. My great, great, great grandmother, Dr. Caroline Mills, graduated from medical school here in 1895, and she later became the first woman doctor in Wyoming. Noelle is named after her (Noelle Caroline) as she was born in the same hospital.

Here's our reflection in a mirror. Noelle was sick of taking pictures by then. Everyone in the hospital kept looking at me wierd. What? Aren't they as hard-up for entertainment in January as I am?

Have a good day, everyone!


Emily Norby said...

Wow. YOu really know your way around that hospital. I must get out more often!

Also, I'm impressed with the courage you exhibited in the elevator by snapping a picture. What was the reaction of your fellow passengers?

HG said...

Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.

Unknown said...

wow. i am really bored.

The Spradlin Family said...

You're right. That was boring. ;)

It looks like you have as much fun there in the winter as we do here.

Heidi said...

So I have never seen the entrance to the original wing -- can't believe I was there for 8 weeks and didn't know about that. My boys would add riding the escalators and saying 'hi' to the Herkys to your list of hospital entertainment.

literaqueen said...

Um, I had no idea the hospital could be so much like a museum exhibit. I always just went to the eye institute and then went home.

The Conductor said...

Hi Jenn ~ My kids enjoyed looking at these pictures with me, since a couple of them were born there, too! What a neat fact about your great grandmother graduating from medical school there!

I think I'm going to take a little photo tour of the local hospital here. We too are looking for ways to fill our cold days. Thanks!


Grazhina said...

Hi, I was working on my new dollhouse blog, and got a little nosy wondering what the other blogs next to mine looked like.
I saw some dollhouse pictures and thought your daughter might enjoy seeing pictures of the dollhouses I built.
I haven't finished my page, and have lots of links to add, but you're welcome to look around.