Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Munchkin Birthday #2

Noelle's Big Day documented,
only without any actual pictures of the day, since we are still down one working camera:

"Mmm! Cusohlreosks!" (Translation: "Mmm! Cupcakes!")
She discovered her new-found love of these things:

She watched her favorite movie about 3 times:

She walked around in a pair of sequined high-heel dress-up shoes (a gift from our neighbors, and her favorite gift, at that.) She looooooves shoes!!!

And she learned the most important lesson of all:

That it was HER day.

When we told her that it was also her friend Bethany's birthday, she said, "No! MY birthday!"

(Is it possible, do you think, to spoil a child irredeemably in just one day? Maybe we ought to have set a two-time viewing Cinderella limit?)


HG said...

My goodness, she is different from Laura! I do recall that laura got dinosaurs for her 2nd birthday.

Heidi said...

Glad she liked the shoes -- we'll have to get her and Bethany together to parade their fancy footwear together. Bethany seemed okay that it was Noelle's birthday, but made sure we knew it was only "Bethany's party." So maybe it's better we kept the two divas separated on the big day. Oh, and thanks for the ice cream -- we've made a large dent, but we're happy to send back what's left if anyone is in need of a frozen treat. =)

Heidi said...

Sounds just like Sarah saying "No, my birthday" and it's been nearly a week since her birthday.

literaqueen said...

At least Noelle doesn't have a twin sister to share her birthday with . . .