Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

December Happenings

So far this December, we have:

1. Successfully survived the first ice storm of the year. Those not from the Midwest should note that while the ice looks beautiful on a tree (as pictured above), I personally fear the ice storms more than tornado season. (Anyone else in Iowa agree?)

2. Attempted to purchase something off of E-Bay. Never done that before...but where else are you going to find a used VHS copy of The Little Mermaid for only five bucks?

3. Gone two weeks without purchasing meat or cheese. Like everyone else, we're trying to see how much money we can save by cutting corners. Luckily kids enjoy spaghetti and pancakes and eggs n' toast. Too bad Steve's not such a fan.

4. Taken Isaac to get a flu shot (the last of the four to get it this season). And all I can say is: thank heavens for one brave kid! He didn't run and hide, didn't squirm, didn't whimper, didn't howl, didn't kick--which is more than I can say for his two OLDER siblings. We were in and out of there in fifteen minutes flat. A record.

5. Fallen asleep before 9:00 PM (the grown-ups) in our clothes, only to wake up at 3:00 AM with just enough energy to shut off the bedroom lamps and crawl under the covers, then to discover in the morning that we have left on all the Christmas lights, both inside and out. (Neighbors could probably watch for this phenomenon to occur at least once a week. I can just imagine the conversation: Heidi to husband, "Oh, look. It's 7:00 AM and the Fletcher's Christmas lights are still on. Must have fallen asleep in their clothes again. Hee hee.") And this is why we must go without meat and cheese--so that we can pay our exorbitant power bill.

6. Watched Prince Caspian and loved it.

7. Attended Laura's winter concert...she sings with the Iowa City Girls Choir.

8. Attended Steve's work Christmas party and didn't feel stupid the entire time.

9. Flossed more than usual. Steve made dental appointments for all of us for the end of this month and they are going to give both me and Laura an orthodontic evaluation. Boy, am I really looking forward to that. It should be super fun.

10. Can't afford meat or cheese...but I did spring for chocolate chips. Burning through a half a bag a day at this point. (Some people take Prozac. I take chocolate.)


literaqueen said...

Ice storm- ick! I agree-- ice storms are WAY scarier than tornados. At least you still have power.

Meat and cheese are overrated. . . as long as you've got chocolate chips, you're good to go.

Heidi said...

Here you think that I am up and functional enough to put together such a logical conclusion at 7:00 AM! No, but I might wonder if I see the lights on past 11 or so (a far more likely circumstance from my perspective, anyway)!

The Spradlin Family said...

Sounds like you've had a much better December than I have...a better November too.

I don't know too much about ice storms, but I hear they really do a number on your electricity. We finally had our first major snow storm. It's about time, right?