Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Killing Time

(Random picture of my most recent favorite flower. Impatiens.)

Steve's at the hospital all night. It's 9:30 PM and I am bored. Don't have any new pics of the kids or of bugs or of any recent catastrophes. The inner Julie Andrews in me was thinking along the lines of a "few of my favorite things" (Confession...I recently saw her in an ABC Family showing of The Princess Diaries. And...yes. I watched the entire thing, like a ten year old.)

So here are a few things on my mind that are making me happy these days:

1. I am rereading Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera. As it has always been one of my favorites, I suggested it as October's pick for a book club I go to. (A good Halloween book!) When I began reading it this week, I started feeling some qualms. It is a little wordy...maybe a little slow at the start. I started to worry that everyone in the club will think I selected a dud. But now I am caught up in it once again and can't put it down! There is something about that book that makes me really, REALLY want to visit this place:

The Paris Opera House! Everytime I open the book, it makes me want to learn ballet or take singing lessons, or something else that is completely unsuited to me.

2. Along those lines, I just finished September's book club pick:

...and I LOVED every word of it! I highly recommend this book to ANYONE!

3. I am an arbitrator for vital records that have been transcribed online...which means I get to review the transcription work of two indexers (volunteers) and fix any discrepancies between the two. I am obsessed with old documents! This week I had fun working on some old french marriage, death and birth certificates. It was a blast! Of course, Steve had to sit beside me the entire time and translate, but I just go nuts for old handwriting and dates!

4. Sean Hannity. Just finished watching him. I get a kick out of this guy. I know he claims to be "fair and unbiased" and I don't believe that for one second, but I still like to hear a good conservative who manages to sound intelligent without getting hostile. (That's a shout out to Bill O'Reilly, in case you didn't catch it.)

Well, I think I'll turn in now. That was fun...Jenn.


Heidi said...

You may be shocked, but I have actually read Phantom of the Opera; granted, it was a LONG time ago. (I was a little obsessed with that musical in junior high.)

HG said...

Good thing you signed that blog with your name...I thought Laura wrote it.

Fletch said...

Laura did write it. (She's so advanced. She uses "Jenn" as her penn name.)

literaqueen said...

I miss book group! We're doing our first organizational meeting in about a week, so I might suggest Phantom of the Opera.

By the way, I've driven past the Paris Opera House in a bus . . . I even have a couple of pictures out the back window. Are you jealous?

House of the Scorpion: great book! I read it when I taught adolescent lit. at Iowa a few years back. I so miss good public libraries! The one here stinks.

Unknown said...

ok, I totally read this post like the day you posted it, and then you ended it with Sean Hannity and I waas going to go off on that that day, so I took a step back and calmed down.


And I am here to say that the Parisian Opera house is one of the most exquisite buildings in the world. I even broke into a part that I wasn't supposed to and almost died (yes, I climbed out of ONE box seat and into another, suspended high above the seats below so that I could get a photo of something tha tI can't remember now. Just call me Le Fou!

Also, the ceiling is painted by Chagall, which is awesome, the fireplaces are big enough to stand in, and the staircase makes you feel graceful, even if you are not!


That was more fun to write about than how much I detest Sean Hannity!

Fletch said...

Geez...I'm so jealous of your life sometimes, D'Arce. I can't believe it! You've been everywhere!

Why don't you like Hannity? Do you merely disagree with his politics, or do you hate the guy personally? Just curious...you can't offend me. I don't worship him, or anything. I just think his ideas are interesting.

Unknown said...

Let me start off by saying that I think a diversity of opinions and ideas is a good thing that no true democracy can function without.

That being said :)

Sean Hannity has proved to me through his words that he is nothing other than a mouthpiece for the Bush White House who recites verbatim exactly what the most conservative Republican platform upholds...and I disagree with almost all of that.

Plus, I see many of his ideas and arguments showing his desire to limit free speech, on top of this he hates gay people, and he doesn't do much for the rights of women....and I feel that he treats any one with a different opinion like an idiot without an ounce of respect.

should I go on?