Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Coincidence? I think not!

Look what I found clinging to the glass of our patio door:
(It made me lose my appetite.)

Later on that night, I found them doing this:


HG said...

Are you calling you kids ugly, poisonous, scary vermin? By the way, Laura's hair is really cute!

Fletch said...

Think "Spiderman", guys!

literaqueen said...

Wow, your kids can all transform into a single spider outside your patio door? Cool! (Albeit a little gross.)

The Spradlin Family said...

Um, I just killed a tiny black cricket on my kitchen floor right before I read this. It probably scared me just as much as that spider scared you. I HATE crickets. My hubby and kids were laughing at the "dance" I did right after I smashed it with my flip flop. However, I did not find my kids hopping on the kitchen floor right after. I guess that only happens in Iowa.

Carmell said...

So am I to believe that after growing up in Las Vegas bugs like that actually bother you? Maybe my part of las vegas is just a little more buggy than yours was!?! I'll have to watch my kids to be sure they don't turn into roaches!

Fletch said...

Huh. We didn't get that many bugs in our house. I saw black widows outside in dark corners. But that was it. Until I moved to Utah for college, I hadn't even had a mosquito bite. I don't think there are any air-born bugs in Vegas...except for the occasional bee.

Yemaya said...

woweee!!! you take your kids to do cool thing. and they are matching. awesome!!

once on the mission I got a big cockroach stuck in my hair!!!

Texas MacLeans said...

You are right Jenn. I never had a problem with bugs in Vegas and now here I am in Texas and there are bugs everywhere! By 2 years old my kids have to know what a red ant hill looks like or they will be bitten to death in mere minutes. And yes, that is how Ashley learned at the ripe old age of 2 what fire ants were when she was bitten all over. Then again, I guess i was a crappy mom fo not watching what the heck my kid was doing!
We have alot more wild life where we are now and I saw my first skunk runnning about the neighborhood on Monday night...lovely
Hey thanks for calling adam and I ugly....i have stopped crying now so I am finally able to mamke a comment on your crappy blog...just kidding :)
Thanks for continuing to make me look popular with all your comments.
See ya at walmart!

Carmell said...

It's true, we don't see many bugs in the air - but plenty on the ground, climbing the walls, and all over my wannabee tomato garden! Maybe it's time to call the exterminators!

Garrett and Heather Wood said...

Where did you get that cool climbing wall? I assume it's in your living room, right?