Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The End of Dredger

This week our beloved sucker fish "Dredger" died. Lincoln composed the following epitaph:



Unknown said...

Lincoln should consider a job writing the presidential speeches!!

That was awesome. The epitaph, not the death. Did you have a funeral for him?

How do you kids handle death, I always wondered about that one. Is it hard, or do they get it? I am sure they just know he is in heaven and that's cool, yes?

Just curious.

Fletch said...

I have to admit, they were a little misty-eyed. Isaac was really upset that we hadn't cleaned the tank better. But kids are so resilient...a few minutes later and they were back to chasing each other around the house as if it had never happened.

HG said...

Is that the actual picture of the dead fish?! You should of warn us! I will now forever be traumatized. And to the small children: Dogs don't die as fast.

Fletch said...

No, that is not an actual picture of the dead fish! I am not THAT morbid. Geez.

It's an image of a sucker fish off the internet.

Texas MacLeans said...

Thats probably is what one of my boys would say too. Pretty funny! My poor kids dont even have any animals. They have had to get all the mosquitos and fire ants to be their friends, Ashley is begging for a dog, maybe I will get her a fish....I am such a mean mom!
And yes..Target is the best. Just kidding! The Walmarts are spaced out farther from me than the Targets so I go whereever i can get the qickest fix!

literaqueen said...

Alas, poor Dredger, I did not know you even lived in the Fletcher household . . .

At least Dredger didn't cannibalize other fish like the Bradfords' fish did. Or did he?