Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The photo-less birthday...with one exception.


Laura turned twelve on September 10th. Probably the most momentous birthday belonging to one of our children that we've ever had. And I only took one picture. (And since I did take the one, clearly the camera was around, not hidden or lost.) Why? I am not sure, but I think for once we were actually so caught up in living the day to the fullest, we just didn't have time for pictures. Or maybe I was just so stressed, trying to cram in all the events of the day that I let the pictures slip through the cracks. I'd like to think it was the former, but knowing me...

I spent most of the time remembering the day Laura was born, in fact, a sort of mental film of that day kept playing in my head and I could not stop it, even though it kept me close to tears all day long because I could have never imagined as I held her as a little baby what sort of twelve-year-old she would turn out to be. I had no idea she would turn out to be such a compassionate, spiritually self-motivated, intelligent, orderly, responsible, brave and thoroughly good human being. It's a privilege to be her mom.

Happy 12th, Laura!

PS...Laura's party had a beach/pool theme, which should explain the cupcake.


Becky said...

You're just like me, always having too much fun on birthdays to take pictures! Okay, truthfully, I just forget; but, hey we're so stinkin busy trying to make sure they have a great day and cook all the right things and keep everything going who has time for pictures? Just one picture shows your day was awesome! Happy birthday Laura you are an awesome person and we all love you!

HG said...

Happy Birthday Laura. I, too, remember the day she was born. I was just one year older than Laura is now. Freaky, huh? I remember the phone call that she was born, and mom letting me fly up with her. I remember you calling the next day and telling us that something was wrong. And I remember holding her that first time, and thinking it was one freakin' awesome day.
Laura has turned out to be one cool kid, and frankly I wish we could live closer so we can start embarrassing her! Love ya Laura!

Auntie M said...

I remember so many things about waiting for Laura's arrival! As Steve pointed out the advantage of being the first great grandchild... and all the women of the family doing alot of baby shopping and trying not to buy every cute little girl outfit! In the hospital what I remember most about Laura is that when you held her she could hold her head up and look around - strong and curious right from the get go! Happy Birthday and keep up the good work kiddo!

The Conductor said...

DARLING cupcake. Just darling. Maybe you can get those angels in Heaven to email you a few of the pictures they took that day. (It's part of their job of recording our lives, isn't it? The great Book of Life cannot be all text, right?)

Unknown said...

I got to meet her on the day she was born. She was freaking tiny.

Fletch said...

She was tiny. 5 lb 2 oz and full term. I remember them grilling me about my drug and alcohol use.