Fletch Sketch continued...

For some reason I have not been able to publish posts here for months, so I started a new blog for us to store our memories. The new address is fletchsketch.blogspot.com.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What?! It's not even Halloween yet? You've got to be kidding me!



Wednesday (Trunk-or-Treat at the church):

Thursday: No pictures, but there was lots of candy consumed.
Friday: Noelle on our front porch.
In front of the library:
At the school for the Halloween parade. Isaac--yes, in costume--as a "strong man". His idea. My idea, a green lego piece (a cardboard box with two columns of upsidedown cups, spray-painted green, his favorite color--saw it in a magazine), was vetoed. Oh well. Less work for me anyway.
Isaac's class, lining up for the parade.
Laura's class in the parade. Can you find her? She's the old lady in the black cardigan hunched over her walking stick.
Still in character, hunched over.
Lincoln, the Jedi (three years and running) in the parade.
Still hunched over.
Not breaking with her character for a moment.
Lincoln with his buddy. Hmm...I'm a little concerned suddenly. I hope this boy's costume isn't indicative of his character.
Isaac sharing goodies with Noelle at his class party, while the older grades paraded through to show off their costumes.
A parent in a full-blown adult-sized Spiderman costume. It was spiffy.
Suddenly Isaac and Noelle saw Laura coming in with her class:
Still hunched over and toothless. She should do theater, that one.
In other non-Halloween news this week, Noelle's been doing a lot of this:
With mediacre results. In fact, mid-blog I just had to clean up a poopy accident. Now that's my kind of scary.
Happy Haunting, Everyone!


Emily Norby said...

I love how Laura's pretty much oblivious to the camera, completely consumed by her character.

Is her back sore yet from all that hunching over?

HG said...

Laura's costume is awesome! I really thought it was an old lady!

The Conductor said...

Wow, what a week you've had! I especially love Laura's toothless face. I think that would have been harder to hold than hunching over! Never seen an adult in full Spiderman costume. Hmmm. Not sure what to think about that one! I love your cupcakes! And, I wish you the best with the potty training.

literaqueen said...

Laura rocks! I love the cardigan buttoned only at the top. She just needed knee highs bunched down at her ankles.

I like "strong man"-- creative mind, that Isaac.

The cupcakes are so cute! The blue frosting's my favorite.

Unknown said...

Noelle is going to have choice words with her therapist one day about how her mommy posted photos of her....you know.